I am really stoked on one thing... I finally finished the Gem Dragon series! Here they are in all their colorful glory! There are close up shots of the last four too!

I really liked making this series, but was getting a little bored making fairly similar dragons over and over. They are all available in my shop and, being a collectible series, will always be in stock. They are the only thing in the shop that will be remade when one sells. Mostly because I've gotten so dang fast at making them now!
I'm still working on the little animal spirits from the last post. They are less naked now! They are still a work in progress. For some reason they need like a billion coats of paint. I'm getting a little annoyed with them, but I will finish them. Maybe I need better paint. The fox is just about done at least!

Speaking of foxes, and completely off topic, I'm attempting to make a needle felted fox. It's HARD. And I stab myself constantly with that horrible little needle... agggggh my fingertips... BUT it has been an interesting little project. My fox isn't really looking like the picture on the kit. Mine has this massive head, you see:

For anyone who doesn't know, needle-felting is basically a way to SCULPT wool. It's ridiculously time consuming and I really admire anyone patient enough to do it as their hobby or craft. It consists of rolling loose wool very tightly into basic shapes and stabbing the crap out of it with a needle to embed the fibers and retain said shape. Then you make more shapes to attach to those shapes and after HOURS of work, you have a cute little critter.
I'm gonna finish this guy eventually. I got the kit from http://www.woolpets.com/
They are on etsy as well. They have all kinds of kits with excellent instructions. They do take some time, but make for a fun little side project when you need a break, or need to take some anger out on some lumps of wool.
Back to work!