Well I've been working on a new sculpture but since it's not quite finished yet, I thought I'd show some cute dumbo eared dragons I made a little while ago. I think I would like to make more of them eventually.

I find myself having a hard time concentrating on sculpting lately. I think it's because I don't really have a direction at the moment. I'm kind of all over the place. I also don't really like our apartment. It's like a cave. I've moved my work station several times and nothing has really felt right. We are planning on moving next spring, but that's soooo far away!
I got some books in the mail the other day! They both have some interesting tips and useful techniques I'd like to try out in the future.
The first one: Creating Life-Like Animals in Polymer Clay by Katherine Dewey. This one has a lot of tips on building armatures and reinforcing your sculptures. There are step by step instructions with detailed pictures. There are also tips on painting your finished figures.

The second book: The Polymer Clay Techniques Book by Sue Heaser. This one has all kinds of different projects in it. It's amazing the things people can do with polymer clay! This book has definitely given me some ideas for future projects, and shown me some interesting ways of using the clay that I wouldn't have thought of.

Both of these are great! I want more books though. The local Barnes & Noble is somewhat lacking in polymer clay books, unless you want to make beads. Which I don't. I would love any recommendations!
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